Source code for bio2bel_adeptus.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Manager for Bio2BEL ADEPTUS."""

from typing import Mapping

from tqdm import tqdm

import pybel.dsl
from bio2bel.manager.bel_manager import BELManagerMixin
from pybel import BELGraph
from .constants import MODULE_NAME
from .models import Base
from .parser import get_adeptus_df

[docs]class Manager(BELManagerMixin): """Manages the Bio2BEL ADEPTUS database.""" module_name = MODULE_NAME _base = Base def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: D107 pass @classmethod def _get_connection(cls): return ''
[docs] def is_populated(self) -> bool: """Check if the Bio2BEL ADEPTUS database is populated.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def summarize(self) -> Mapping[str, int]: """Summarize the contents of the Bio2BEL ADEPTUS database.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def populate(self) -> None: """Populate the Bio2BEL ADEPTUS database.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_bel(self) -> BELGraph: """Output ADEPTUS as a BEL graph.""" graph = BELGraph( name='ADEPTUS', version='0.0.0', description="""ADEPTUS conversion to BEL using Daniel Himmelstein's data at""" ) graph.annotation_pattern['Database'] = '.*' graph.annotation_pattern['ADEPTUS_PB_ROC'] = '.*' graph.annotation_pattern['ADEPTUS_PN_ROC'] = '.*' df = get_adeptus_df() it = tqdm(df.iterrows(), desc='ADEPTUS to BEL', total=len(df.index)) for _, (disease_doid, disease_name, entrez_id, entrez_name, pb_roc, pn_roc, direction) in it: disease = pybel.dsl.Pathology( namespace='doid', name=disease_name, identifier=disease_doid, ) gene = pybel.dsl.Gene( namespace='ncbigene', name=entrez_name, identifier=entrez_id, ) relation = POSITIVE_CORRELATION if direction == 'up' else NEGATIVE_CORRELATION graph.add_qualified_edge( disease, gene, relation=relation, citation='26261215', evidence='ADEPTUS database', annotations={ 'Database': 'ADEPTUS', 'ADEPTUS_PB_ROC': pb_roc, 'ADEPTUS_PN_ROC': pn_roc, } ) return graph