Source code for bio2bel_drugbank.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Defines the Bio2BEL DrugBank manager."""

import json
import logging
import os
import time
from bio2bel import AbstractManager
from bio2bel.manager.bel_manager import BELManagerMixin
from bio2bel.manager.flask_manager import FlaskMixin
from bio2bel.manager.namespace_manager import BELNamespaceManagerMixin
from bio2bel_uniprot import get_slim_mappings_df
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from sqlalchemy import func
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

import bio2bel_hgnc
from pybel import BELGraph
from pybel.dsl import BaseEntity, abundance
from pybel.manager.models import Namespace, NamespaceEntry
from .constants import DATA_DIR, MODULE_NAME
from .models import (
    Action, Alias, Article, AtcCode, Base, Category, Drug, DrugProteinInteraction, DrugXref, Group, Patent, Protein,
    Species, Type, drug_category, drug_group,
from .parser import extract_drug_info, get_xml_root

__all__ = ['Manager']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_dti_ids_cache_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'drug_to_gene_ids.json')
_dti_symbols_cache_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'drug_to_gene_symbols.json')

[docs]class Manager(AbstractManager, FlaskMixin, BELManagerMixin, BELNamespaceManagerMixin): """Manager for Bio2BEL DrugBank.""" module_name = MODULE_NAME namespace_model = Drug identifiers_recommended = 'DrugBank' identifiers_pattern = r'^DB\d{5}$' identifiers_miriam = 'MIR:00000102' identifiers_namespace = 'drugbank' identifiers_url = '' flask_admin_models = [Drug, Alias, AtcCode, Category, Group, Type, Patent, DrugXref, Species, Protein, DrugProteinInteraction, Action, Article] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.type_to_model = {} self.group_to_model = {} self.category_to_model = {} self.patent_to_model = {} self.species_to_model = {} self.action_to_model = {} self.pmid_to_model = {} self.uniprot_id_to_protein = {} @property def _base(self): return Base
[docs] def get_type_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Type]: """Get a Type by name.""" return self.session.query(Type).filter( == name).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_or_create_type(self, name: str) -> Type: """Get or create a Type by name.""" m = self.type_to_model.get(name) if m is not None: return m m = self.get_type_by_name(name) if m is not None: self.type_to_model[name] = m return m m = self.type_to_model[name] = Type(name=name) self.session.add(m) return m
[docs] def list_groups(self) -> List[Group]: """List all chemical groups.""" return self._list_model(Group)
[docs] def get_group_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Group]: """Get a Group by name.""" return self.session.query(Group).filter( == name).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_or_create_group(self, name: str) -> Group: """Get or create a Group by name.""" m = self.group_to_model.get(name) if m is not None: return m m = self.get_group_by_name(name) if m is not None: self.group_to_model[name] = m return m m = self.group_to_model[name] = Group(name=name) self.session.add(m) return m
[docs] def get_species_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Species]: """Get a Species by name.""" return self.session.query(Species).filter( == name).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_or_create_species(self, name: str) -> Species: """Get or create a Species by name.""" m = self.species_to_model.get(name) if m is not None: return m m = self.get_species_by_name(name) if m is not None: self.species_to_model[name] = m return m m = self.species_to_model[name] = Species(name=name) self.session.add(m) return m
[docs] def get_category_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Category]: """Get a Category by name.""" return self.session.query(Category).filter( == name).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_or_create_category(self, name: str, **kwargs) -> Category: """Get or create a Category by name.""" m = self.category_to_model.get(name) if m is not None: return m m = self.get_category_by_name(name) if m is not None: self.category_to_model[name] = m return m m = self.category_to_model[name] = Category(name=name, **kwargs) self.session.add(m) return m
[docs] def get_or_create_patent(self, country: str, patent_id: str, **kwargs) -> Patent: """Get or creates a Patent.""" m = self.patent_to_model.get((country, patent_id)) if m is not None: return m m = self.session.query(Patent).filter(Patent.filter_pk(country, patent_id)).one_or_none() if m is not None: self.patent_to_model[(country, patent_id)] = m return m m = self.patent_to_model[(country, patent_id)] = Patent( country=country, patent_id=patent_id, **kwargs ) self.session.add(m) return m
[docs] def is_populated(self) -> bool: """Check if the database is populated by counting the drugs.""" return 0 < self.count_drugs()
def get_protein_by_uniprot_id(self, uniprot_id: str) -> Optional[Protein]: return self.session.query(Protein).filter(Protein.uniprot_id == uniprot_id).one_or_none() def get_protein_by_hgnc_id(self, hgnc_id: str) -> Optional[Protein]: res: List[Protein] = list(self.session.query(Protein).filter(Protein.hgnc_id == hgnc_id).all()) if len(res) == 0: return if len(res) == 1: return res[0] warning_txt = '\n'.join(f' - {result.uniprot_id} {}' for result in res) log.error('found multiple isoforms of hgnc:%s. Keeping first of:\n%s', hgnc_id, warning_txt) return res[0] def get_or_create_protein(self, uniprot_id: str, **kwargs) -> Protein: m = self.uniprot_id_to_protein.get(uniprot_id) if m is not None: return m m = self.get_protein_by_uniprot_id(uniprot_id) if m is not None: self.uniprot_id_to_protein[uniprot_id] = m return m m = self.uniprot_id_to_protein[uniprot_id] = Protein( uniprot_id=uniprot_id, **kwargs ) self.session.add(m) return m def get_action_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Action]: return self.session.query(Action).filter( == name).one_or_none() def get_or_create_action(self, name: str) -> Action: m = self.action_to_model.get(name) if m is not None: return m m = self.get_action_by_name(name) if m is not None: self.action_to_model[name] = m return m m = self.action_to_model[name] = Action(name=name) self.session.add(m) return m def get_article_by_pmid(self, pubmed_id: str): return self.session.query(Article).filter(Article.pubmed_id == pubmed_id).one_or_none() def get_or_create_article(self, pubmed_id) -> Article: m = self.pmid_to_model.get(pubmed_id) if m is not None: return m m = self.get_article_by_pmid(pubmed_id) if m is not None: self.pmid_to_model[pubmed_id] = m return m m = self.pmid_to_model[pubmed_id] = Article(pubmed_id=pubmed_id) self.session.add(m) return m def _create_drug_protein_interaction(self, drug_model: Drug, data: Mapping) -> DrugProteinInteraction: protein = self.get_or_create_protein( uniprot_id=data['uniprot_id'], species=self.get_or_create_species(data['organism']), name=data.get('name'), hgnc_id=data.get('hgnc_id') ) dpi = DrugProteinInteraction( drug=drug_model, protein=protein, known_action=(data['known_action'] == 'yes'), actions=[ self.get_or_create_action(name.strip().lower()) for name in data.get('actions', []) ], articles=[ self.get_or_create_article(pubmed_id) for pubmed_id in data.get('articles', []) ], category=data['category'], ) self.session.add(dpi) return dpi
[docs] def populate(self, url: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Populate DrugBank. :param url: Path to the DrugBank XML """ root = get_xml_root(path=url) for drug_xml in tqdm(root, desc='Drugs'): drug = extract_drug_info(drug_xml) drug_model = Drug( type=self.get_or_create_type(drug['type']), drugbank_id=drug['drugbank_id'], cas_number=drug['cas_number'], name=drug['name'], description=drug['description'], groups=[ self.get_or_create_group(name) for name in drug['groups'] ], atc_codes=[ AtcCode(name=name) for name in drug['atc_codes'] ], categories=[ self.get_or_create_category(**category) for category in drug['categories'] ], inchi=drug.get('inchi'), inchikey=drug.get('inchikey'), aliases=[ Alias(name=name) for name in drug['aliases'] ], patents=[ self.get_or_create_patent(**patent) for patent in drug['patents'] ], xrefs=[ DrugXref(**xref) for xref in drug['xrefs'] ] ) drug_model.protein_interactions = [ self._create_drug_protein_interaction(drug_model, drug_protein_interaction_data) for drug_protein_interaction_data in drug['protein_interactions'] ] self.session.add(drug_model) t = time.time()'committing models') self.session.commit()'committed models in %.2f seconds', time.time() - t)
[docs] def count_drugs(self) -> int: """Count the number of drugs in the database.""" return self._count_model(Drug)
[docs] def list_drugs(self) -> List[Drug]: """List all drugs in the database.""" return self._list_model(Drug)
[docs] def count_types(self) -> int: """Count the number of types in the database.""" return self._count_model(Type)
[docs] def count_aliases(self) -> int: """Count the number of aliases in the database.""" return self._count_model(Alias)
[docs] def count_atc_codes(self) -> int: """Count the number of ATC codes in the database.""" return self._count_model(AtcCode)
[docs] def count_groups(self) -> int: """Count the number of groups in the database.""" return self._count_model(Group)
[docs] def count_categories(self) -> int: """Count the number of categories in the database.""" return self._count_model(Category)
[docs] def count_drugs_categories(self) -> int: """Count the number of drug-category relations in the database.""" return self._count_model(drug_category)
[docs] def count_drugs_groups(self) -> int: """Count the number of drug-group relations in the database.""" return self._count_model(drug_group)
[docs] def count_patents(self) -> int: """Count the number of patents in the database.""" return self._count_model(Patent)
[docs] def list_patents(self) -> List[Patent]: """List the patents in the database.""" return self._list_model(Patent)
[docs] def count_xrefs(self) -> int: """Count the number of cross-references in the database.""" return self._count_model(DrugXref)
def get_xrefs_by_resource(self, resource) -> List[DrugXref]: return self.session.query(DrugXref).filter(DrugXref.resource == resource).all() def summarize_xrefs(self) -> Counter: return Counter( self.session.query(DrugXref.resource, func.count(DrugXref.resource)).group_by(DrugXref.resource).all()) def count_species(self) -> int: return self._count_model(Species) def count_proteins(self) -> int: return self._count_model(Protein) def list_proteins(self) -> List[Protein]: return self._list_model(Protein) def count_actions(self) -> int: return self._count_model(Action) def count_drug_protein_interactions(self) -> int: return self._count_model(DrugProteinInteraction)
[docs] def list_drug_protein_interactions(self) -> List[DrugProteinInteraction]: """List drug-protein interactions.""" return self._list_model(DrugProteinInteraction)
def count_articles(self) -> int: return self._count_model(Article)
[docs] def summarize(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Summarize the database.""" return dict( drugs=self.count_drugs(), types=self.count_types(), aliases=self.count_aliases(), atc_codes=self.count_atc_codes(), groups=self.count_groups(), categories=self.count_categories(), patents=self.count_patents(), xrefs=self.count_xrefs(), proteins=self.count_proteins(), species=self.count_species(), actions=self.count_actions(), drug_protein_interactions=self.count_drug_protein_interactions(), )
@staticmethod def _get_identifier(drug: Drug) -> str: return drug.drugbank_id def _create_namespace_entry_from_model(self, model: Drug, namespace: Namespace) -> NamespaceEntry: return NamespaceEntry( encoding='A',, identifier=model.drugbank_id, namespace=namespace, ) def lookup_target(self, node: BaseEntity) -> Optional[Protein]: namespace = node.get(NAMESPACE) if node[FUNCTION] != PROTEIN or namespace is None: return identifier = node.get(IDENTIFIER) if namespace.lower() == 'hgnc' and identifier: return self.get_protein_by_hgnc_id(identifier) if namespace.lower() == 'uniprot' and identifier: return self.get_protein_by_uniprot_id(identifier) def iter_targets(self, graph: BELGraph) -> Iterable[Tuple[BaseEntity, Protein]]: for node in graph: protein_model = self.lookup_target(node) if protein_model is not None: yield node, protein_model
[docs] def enrich_targets(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Enrich the protein targets in the graph with Drug-Protein interactions from DrugBank.""" self.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) c = 0 for node_data, protein_model in list(self.iter_targets(graph)): for dpi in protein_model.drug_interactions: dpi._add_to_graph(graph, dpi.drug.as_bel(), node_data) c += 1'added %d drug-protein interactions.', c)
def get_drug_by_drugbank_id(self, drugbank_id: str) -> Optional[Drug]: return self.session.query(Drug).filter(Drug.drugbank_id == drugbank_id).one_or_none() def get_drug_by_inchi(self, inchi: str) -> Optional[Drug]: return self.session.query(Drug).filter(Drug.inchi == inchi).one_or_none() def get_drug_by_inchikey(self, inchikey: str) -> Optional[Drug]: return self.session.query(Drug).filter(Drug.inchikey == inchikey).one_or_none() def get_drug_by_xref(self, resource: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[Drug]: # need to join the xref table for this one xref = self.session.query(DrugXref).filter(DrugXref.has_identifier(resource, identifier)).one_or_none() if xref: return xref.drug
[docs] def lookup_drug(self, node: BaseEntity) -> Optional[Drug]: """Try and look up a drug.""" namespace = node.get(NAMESPACE) if node[FUNCTION] != ABUNDANCE or namespace is None: return name, identifier = node.get(NAME), node.get(IDENTIFIER) if namespace.lower() == 'drugbank': if identifier is not None: return self.get_drug_by_drugbank_id(identifier) if name is not None and name.startswith('DB'): return self.get_drug_by_drugbank_id(name)
def iter_drugs(self, graph: BELGraph) -> Iterable[Tuple[BaseEntity, Drug]]: for node in graph: drug_model = self.lookup_drug(node) if drug_model is not None: yield node, drug_model
[docs] def enrich_drug_inchi(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Enrich drugs in the graph with their InChI equivalent nodes.""" self.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) for node, drug_model in list(self.iter_drugs(graph)): if drug_model.inchi: graph.add_equivalence(node, drug_model.as_inchi_bel())
[docs] def enrich_drug_equivalences(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Enrich drugs in the graph with their equivalent nodes.""" self.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) for node, drug_model in list(self.iter_drugs(graph)): if drug_model.inchi: graph.add_equivalence(node, drug_model.as_inchi_bel()) if drug_model.inchikey: graph.add_equivalence(node, drug_model.as_inchikey_bel()) for xref in drug_model.xrefs: resource = xref.resource.lower() identifier = xref.identifier if xref.resource in {'chebi', 'chembl'}: graph.add_equivalence(node, abundance(namespace=resource, identifier=identifier)) elif xref.resource == 'KEGG Compound': # graph.add_equivalence(node, abundance(namespace='kegg.compound', identifier=identifier)) elif xref.resource == 'PubChem Substance': # graph.add_equivalence(node, abundance(namespace='pubchem.substance', identifier=identifier)) elif xref.resource == 'PubChem Compound': # graph.add_equivalence(node, abundance(namespace='pubchem.compound', identifier=identifier))
# TODO there are plenty more. implement as other bio2bel repositories need
[docs] def enrich_drugs(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Enrich drugs in the graph with their targets.""" self.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) for node_data, drug_model in list(self.iter_drugs(graph)): for dpi in drug_model.protein_interactions: dpi.add_to_graph(graph)
[docs] def to_bel(self) -> BELGraph: """Export DrugBank as BEL.""" graph = BELGraph( name='DrugBank', version='5.1', ) self.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) hgnc_manager = bio2bel_hgnc.Manager(engine=self.engine, session=self.session) hgnc_manager.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) dpis = self.list_drug_protein_interactions() for dpi in tqdm(dpis, total=self.count_drug_protein_interactions(), desc='Mapping drug-protein interactions to BEL'): if dpi.protein.hgnc_id is None: continue dpi.add_to_graph(graph) return graph
[docs] def get_hgnc_id_to_drugs(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Get a dictionary of HGNC identifiers (not prepended with HGNC:) to list of drug names.""" rv = defaultdict(list) for dpi in tqdm(self.list_drug_protein_interactions(), total=self.count_drug_protein_interactions(), desc='getting DTIs'): if dpi.protein.hgnc_id is None: continue drug_name = hgnc_id = dpi.protein.hgnc_id[len('HGNC:'):] rv[hgnc_id].append(drug_name) return dict(rv)
[docs] def get_drug_to_hgnc_ids(self, cache=True, recalculate=False) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Get a dictionary of drug names to lists HGNC identifiers (not prepended with HGNC:).""" if cache and not recalculate and os.path.exists(_dti_ids_cache_path):'loading cached DTIs') with open(_dti_ids_cache_path) as file: return json.load(file) rv = defaultdict(list) for dpi in tqdm(self.list_drug_protein_interactions(), total=self.count_drug_protein_interactions(), desc='getting DTIs'): if dpi.protein.hgnc_id is None: continue drug_name = hgnc_id = dpi.protein.hgnc_id[len('HGNC:'):] rv[drug_name].append(hgnc_id) if cache: with open(_dti_ids_cache_path, 'w') as file:'dumping cached DTIs') json.dump(rv, file) return dict(rv)
[docs] def get_drug_to_hgnc_symbols(self, cache=True, recalculate=False) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Get a dictionary of drug names to HGNC gene symbols.""" if cache and not recalculate and os.path.exists(_dti_symbols_cache_path): log.debug('loading cached DTIs with gene symbols') with open(_dti_symbols_cache_path) as file: return json.load(file) hgnc_manager = bio2bel_hgnc.Manager(engine=self.engine, session=self.session) if not hgnc_manager.is_populated(): hgnc_manager.populate() hgnc_id_symbol_mapping = hgnc_manager.build_hgnc_id_symbol_mapping() drug_to_hgnc_ids = self.get_drug_to_hgnc_ids() rv = defaultdict(list) for drug, hgnc_ids in drug_to_hgnc_ids.items(): for hgnc_id in hgnc_ids: hgnc_symbol = hgnc_id_symbol_mapping.get(hgnc_id) if hgnc_symbol is None: log.warning('could not map HGNC identifier: %s', hgnc_id) continue rv[drug].append(hgnc_symbol) if cache: with open(_dti_symbols_cache_path, 'w') as file:'dumping cached DTIs') json.dump(rv, file) return dict(rv)
[docs] def get_interactions_by_hgnc_id(self, hgnc_id: str) -> List[DrugProteinInteraction]: """Get the drug targets for a given HGNC identifier.""" protein = self.get_protein_by_hgnc_id(hgnc_id) if not protein: return [] return [ interaction for interaction in protein.drug_interactions ]