Source code for bio2bel_entrez.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Manager for Bio2BEL Entrez."""

import logging
import sys
import time
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple

import click
from bio2bel import AbstractManager
from bio2bel.manager.flask_manager import FlaskMixin
from bio2bel.manager.namespace_manager import BELNamespaceManagerMixin
from networkx import relabel_nodes
from pybel import BELGraph
from pybel.constants import FUNCTION, NAMESPACE
from pybel.dsl import BaseEntity
from pybel.manager.models import Namespace, NamespaceEntry
from sqlalchemy import and_
from tqdm import tqdm

from .homologene_manager import Manager as HomologeneManager
from .models import Base, Gene, Homologene, Species, Xref
from .parser import get_gene_info_df, get_homologene_df

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Manager(AbstractManager, BELNamespaceManagerMixin, FlaskMixin): """Genes and orthologies.""" module_name = MODULE_NAME _base = Base flask_admin_models = [Gene, Homologene, Species, Xref] namespace_model = Gene identifiers_recommended = 'NCBI Gene' identifiers_pattern = r'^\d+$' identifiers_miriam = 'MIR:00000069' identifiers_namespace = 'ncbigene' identifiers_url = '' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: D107 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.species_cache = {} self.gene_cache = {} self.homologene_cache = {} self.gene_homologene = {}
[docs] def is_populated(self) -> bool: """Check if the database is already populated.""" return 0 < self.count_genes()
@staticmethod def _get_identifier(gene: Gene) -> str: return gene.entrez_id def _create_namespace_entry_from_model(self, gene: Gene, namespace: Namespace) -> NamespaceEntry: return NamespaceEntry( encoding=gene.bel_encoding,, identifier=gene.entrez_id, namespace=namespace, )
[docs] def get_or_create_species(self, taxonomy_id: str, **kwargs) -> Species: """Get or create a Species model. :param taxonomy_id: NCBI taxonomy identifier """ species = self.species_cache.get(taxonomy_id) if species is not None: self.session.add(species) return species species = self.session.query(Species).filter(Species.taxonomy_id == taxonomy_id).one_or_none() if species is None: species = self.species_cache[taxonomy_id] = Species(taxonomy_id=taxonomy_id, **kwargs) self.session.add(species) return species
[docs] def get_gene_by_entrez_id(self, entrez_id: str) -> Optional[Gene]: """Get a gene with the given Entrez Gene identifier, if it exists. :param entrez_id: Entrez Gene identifier """ return self.session.query(Gene).filter(Gene.entrez_id == entrez_id).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_genes_by_name(self, name: str) -> List[Gene]: """Get a list of genes with the given name (case insensitive). :param name: A gene name """ return self.session.query(Gene).filter( == name.lower()).all()
[docs] def get_gene_by_rgd_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Gene]: """Get a gene by its RGD name. :param name: RGD gene symbol """ rgd_name_filter = and_(Species.taxonomy_id == '10116', == name) rv = self.session.query(Gene).join(Species).filter(rgd_name_filter).all() return self._return_lowest(name, rv)
@staticmethod def _return_lowest(name, rv): if len(rv) == 0: return if len(rv) == 1: return rv[0] rv = sorted(rv, key=lambda gene: int(gene.entrez_id)) log.warning('Found multiple rows for Entrez Gene named %s. Returning lowest Entrez Gene identifier of:\n%s', name, '\n'.join(map(str, rv))) return rv[0]
[docs] def get_gene_by_mgi_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Gene]: """Get a gene by its MGI name. :param name: MGI gene symbol """ mgi_name_filter = and_(Species.taxonomy_id == '10090', == name) rv = self.session.query(Gene).join(Species).filter(mgi_name_filter).all() return self._return_lowest(name, rv)
[docs] def get_gene_by_hgnc_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Gene]: """Get a gene by its HGNC gene symbol.""" hgnc_name_filter = and_(Species.taxonomy_id == '9606', == name) rv = self.session.query(Gene).join(Species).filter(hgnc_name_filter).all() return self._return_lowest(name, rv)
[docs] def get_or_create_gene(self, entrez_id: str, **kwargs) -> Gene: """Get or create a Gene model. :param entrez_id: Entrez Gene identifier """ gene = self.gene_cache.get(entrez_id) if gene is not None: self.session.add(gene) return gene gene = self.get_gene_by_entrez_id(entrez_id) if gene is None: gene = self.gene_cache[entrez_id] = Gene(entrez_id=entrez_id, **kwargs) self.session.add(gene) return gene
[docs] def get_or_create_homologene(self, homologene_id: str, **kwargs) -> Homologene: """Get or create a HomoloGene model. :param homologene_id: HomoloGene Gene identifier """ homologene = self.homologene_cache.get(homologene_id) if homologene is not None: self.session.add(homologene) return homologene homologene = self.session.query(Homologene).filter(Homologene.homologene_id == homologene_id).one_or_none() if homologene is None: homologene = self.homologene_cache[homologene_id] = Homologene(homologene_id=homologene_id, **kwargs) self.session.add(homologene) return homologene
[docs] def populate_homologene(self, url=None, cache=True, force_download=False, tax_id_filter=None) -> None: """Populate the database. :param Optional[str] url: Homologene data url :param bool cache: If true, the data is downloaded to the file system, else it is loaded from the internet :param bool force_download: If true, overwrites a previously cached file :param Optional[iter[str]] tax_id_filter: Species to keep """ df = get_homologene_df(url=url, cache=cache, force_download=force_download) if tax_id_filter is not None: tax_id_filter = set(tax_id_filter)'filtering HomoloGene to %s', tax_id_filter) df = df[df['tax_id'].isin(tax_id_filter)]'preparing HomoloGene models') grouped_df = df.groupby('homologene_id') for homologene_id, sub_df in tqdm(grouped_df, desc='HomoloGene', total=len(grouped_df)): homologene = Homologene(homologene_id=homologene_id) self.session.add(homologene) for _, (homologene_id, taxonomy_id, entrez_id, name, _, _) in sub_df.iterrows(): entrez_id = str(int(entrez_id)) self.gene_homologene[entrez_id] = homologene t = time.time()'committing HomoloGene models') self.session.commit()'committed HomoloGene models in %.2f seconds', time.time() - t)
[docs] def populate_gene_info(self, url: Optional[str] = None, cache: bool = True, force_download: bool = False, interval: Optional[int] = None, tax_id_filter: Iterable[str] = None): """Populate the database. :param url: A custom url to download :param interval: The number of records to commit at a time :param cache: If true, the data is downloaded to the file system, else it is loaded from the internet :param force_download: If true, overwrites a previously cached file :param tax_id_filter: Species to keep """ df = get_gene_info_df(url=url, cache=cache, force_download=force_download) if tax_id_filter is not None: tax_id_filter = set(tax_id_filter)'filtering Entrez Gene to %s', tax_id_filter) df = df[df['#tax_id'].isin(tax_id_filter)]'preparing Entrez Gene models') for taxonomy_id, sub_df in tqdm(df.groupby('#tax_id'), desc='Species'): taxonomy_id = str(int(taxonomy_id)) species = self.get_or_create_species(taxonomy_id=taxonomy_id) species_it = tqdm(sub_df.itertuples(), desc='Tax ID {}'.format(taxonomy_id), total=len(sub_df.index), leave=False) for idx, _, entrez_id, name, xrefs, description, type_of_gene in species_it: entrez_id = str(int(entrez_id)) if isinstance(name, float): log.debug('Missing name: %s %s', entrez_id, description) # These errors are due to placeholder entries for GeneRIFs and only occur once per species continue gene = Gene( entrez_id=entrez_id, species=species, name=name, description=description, type_of_gene=type_of_gene, homologene=self.gene_homologene.get(entrez_id) ) self.session.add(gene) if not isinstance(xrefs, float): for xref in xrefs.split('|'): database, value = xref.split(':', 1) gene.xrefs.append(Xref(database=database, value=value)) if interval and idx % interval == 0: self.session.commit()'committing Entrez Gene models') self.session.commit()
[docs] def populate(self, gene_info_url: Optional[str] = None, interval: Optional[int] = None, tax_id_filter: Iterable[str] = DEFAULT_TAX_IDS, homologene_url: Optional[str] = None): """Populate the database. :param gene_info_url: A custom url to download :param interval: The number of records to commit at a time :param tax_id_filter: Species to keep. Defaults to 9606 (human), 10090 (mouse), 10116 (rat), 7227 (fly), and 4932 (yeast). Explicitly set to None to get all taxonomies. :param homologene_url: A custom url to download """ self.populate_homologene(url=homologene_url, tax_id_filter=tax_id_filter) self.populate_gene_info(url=gene_info_url, interval=interval, tax_id_filter=tax_id_filter)
def _handle_entrez_node(self, identifier=None, name=None): if identifier: return self.get_gene_by_entrez_id(identifier) elif name: return self.get_gene_by_entrez_id(name) else: raise IndexError def _handle_hgnc_node(self, identifier=None, name=None) -> Optional[Gene]: if name: return self.get_gene_by_hgnc_name(name) def _handle_rgd_node(self, identifier=None, name=None) -> Optional[Gene]: if name: return self.get_gene_by_rgd_name(name) def _handle_mgi_node(self, identifier=None, name=None) -> Optional[Gene]: if name: return self.get_gene_by_mgi_name(name)
[docs] def lookup_node(self, node: BaseEntity) -> Optional[Gene]: """Look up a gene from a PyBEL data dictionary.""" namespace = node.get(NAMESPACE) if namespace is None: return name = identifier = node.identifier if namespace.lower() in VALID_ENTREZ_NAMESPACES: return self._handle_entrez_node(identifier, name)
# if namespace.lower() == 'hgnc': # return self._handle_hgnc_node(identifier, name) # # if namespace.lower() in VALID_MGI_NAMESPACES: # return self._handle_mgi_node(identifier, name) # # if namespace.lower() == 'rgd': # return self._handle_rgd_node(identifier, name)
[docs] def iter_genes(self, graph: BELGraph, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[BaseEntity, Gene]]: """Iterate over genes in the graph that can be mapped to an Entrez gene.""" it = ( tqdm(graph, desc='Entrez genes') if use_tqdm else graph ) for node in it: gene_model = self.lookup_node(node) if gene_model is not None: yield node, gene_model
[docs] def normalize_genes(self, graph: BELGraph, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> None: """Add identifiers to all Entrez genes.""" mapping = { node: gene_model.as_bel(func=node.function) for node, gene_model in self.iter_genes(graph, use_tqdm=use_tqdm) } relabel_nodes(graph, mapping, copy=False)
[docs] def enrich_genes_with_homologenes(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Enrich the nodes in a graph with their HomoloGene parents.""" self.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) self.add_homologene_namespace_to_graph(graph) for node_data, gene_model in self.iter_genes(graph): homologene = gene_model.homologene if homologene is None: continue graph.add_is_a(node_data, homologene.as_bel(node_data[FUNCTION]))
[docs] def enrich_equivalences(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Add equivalent node information.""" self.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) for node, gene_model in list(self.iter_genes(graph)): graph.add_equivalence(node, gene_model.as_bel(node[FUNCTION]))
[docs] def enrich_orthologies(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Add ortholog relationships to graph.""" self.add_namespace_to_graph(graph) self.add_homologene_namespace_to_graph(graph) for node, gene_model in list(self.iter_genes(graph)): if not gene_model.homologene: continue # sad gene doesn't have any friends :/ for ortholog in gene_model.homologene.genes: ortholog_node = ortholog.as_bel(node[FUNCTION]) if ortholog_node == node: continue graph.add_orthology(node, ortholog_node)
[docs] def add_homologene_namespace_to_graph(self, graph: BELGraph) -> Namespace: """Add the homologene namespace to the graph.""" homologene_manager = HomologeneManager(engine=self.engine, session=self.session) return homologene_manager.add_namespace_to_graph(graph)
[docs] def count_genes(self) -> int: """Count the genes in the database.""" return self._count_model(Gene)
[docs] def count_homologenes(self) -> int: """Count the HomoloGenes in the database.""" return self._count_model(Homologene)
[docs] def count_species(self) -> int: """Count the species in the database.""" return self._count_model(Species)
[docs] def list_species(self) -> List[Species]: """List all species in the database.""" return self._list_model(Species)
[docs] def list_homologenes(self) -> List[Homologene]: """List all HomoloGenes in the database.""" return self._list_model(Homologene)
[docs] def summarize(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """Return a summary dictionary over the content of the database.""" return dict( genes=self.count_genes(), species=self.count_species(), homologenes=self.count_homologenes() )
[docs] def list_genes(self, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Gene]: """List genes in the database.""" query = self.session.query(Gene) if limit: query = query.limit(limit) if offset: query = query.offset(offset) return query.all()
@staticmethod def _cli_add_populate(main: click.Group) -> click.Group: """Overwrite the populate method since it needs to check tax identifiers.""" return add_populate_to_cli(main)
def add_populate_to_cli(main: click.Group) -> click.Group: # noqa: D202 """Add a custom population function to the command line interface.""" @main.command() @click.option('--reset', is_flag=True, help='Nuke database first') @click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='Force overwrite if already populated') @click.option('-t', '--tax-id', multiple=True, help='Keep this taxonomy identifier. Can specify multiple. Defaults to 9606 (human), 10090 (mouse), ' '10116 (rat), 7227 (fly), and 4932 (yeast).') @click.option('-a', '--all-tax-id', is_flag=True, help='Use all taxonomy identifiers') @click.pass_obj def populate(manager, reset, force, tax_id, all_tax_id): """Populate the database.""" if all_tax_id: tax_id_filter = None elif not tax_id: tax_id_filter = DEFAULT_TAX_IDS else: tax_id_filter = tax_id if reset: click.echo('Deleting the previous instance of the database') manager.drop_all() click.echo('Creating new models') manager.create_all() if manager.is_populated() and not force: click.echo('Database already populated. Use --force to overwrite') sys.exit(0) manager.populate(tax_id_filter=tax_id_filter) return main