Current Status

What is still missing?

Not all of the information found in HMDB is yet integrated.

Bio2BEL HMDB does not yet include: - Taxonomy information - Spectra information - Experimental properties (datamodel is implemented but tables will not get populated) - Predicted properties (datamodel is implemented but tables will not get populated) - Normal concentration - Abnormal concentration

Bio2BEL HMDB still lacks functions to: - convert metabolite namespaces from and to HMDB identifiers - query functions (only querying with metabolite identifiers for diseases and proteins and vice versa is supported right now)


The next steps in the development of Bio2BEL HMDB are:

  1. add namespace mappings from metabolite HMDB identifiers to different databases/namespaces
  2. add query functions for several tables and entries
  3. change BEL enrichment functions to automatically work even when pathology nodes are not in HMDB disease namespace
  4. include missing HMDB tables and relations listed above
  5. maybe add parallelization to the database population to improve run time