Source code for bio2bel_hmdb.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""The Manager is a key component of HMDB. This class is used to create, populate and query the local HMDB version."""

import logging
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional

from bel_resources import get_bel_resource
from bio2bel import AbstractManager
from tqdm import tqdm

from .models import (
    Base, Biofluid, Biofunction, CellularLocation, Disease, Metabolite, MetaboliteBiofluid, MetaboliteCellularLocation,
    MetaboliteDiseaseReference, MetabolitePathway, MetaboliteProtein, MetaboliteReference,
    MetaboliteSynonym, MetaboliteTissue, Pathway, Protein, Reference, SecondaryAccession, Tissue,
from .parser import get_data

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Manager(AbstractManager): """Metabolite-proteins and metabolite-disease associations.""" module_name = MODULE_NAME flask_admin_models = [Metabolite, Disease, Protein, Pathway, Biofluid] _base = Base
[docs] def is_populated(self) -> bool: """Check if the database is already populated.""" return 0 < self.count_metabolites()
@staticmethod def _get_tag(element_tag) -> str: """Delete the XML namespace prefix when calling element.tag :param element_tag: tag attribute of an XML element """ return element_tag.split("}")[1] def _populate_with_1_layer_elements( self, element, metabolite_instance, instance_dict, table, relation_table, column_name: str, ): """Parse and populate database with metabolite elements, which themselfes have one more layer. :param element: the current parent XML element. E.g. "pathways" where the children would have the tag "pathway". :param models.Metabolite metabolite_instance: metabolite object which is associated with the instances (e.g. is involved in that "pathway") :param dict instance_dict: dictionary which tracks if the found instance is already present in the table and can then refer to it :param class table: sqlalchemy class to which the instances belong. E.g. "Pathways" :param class relation_table: sqlalchemy class which stores the many to many relation between the instances and the metabolites :param column_name: Name of the column in the relation tables which does not represent the metabolite. e.g. reference, pathway etc :rtype: dict """ for instance_element in element: instance_dict_key = instance_element.text if instance_dict_key not in instance_dict: # check if instance is already in table new_instance_dict = {column_name: instance_dict_key} instance_dict[instance_dict_key] = table(**new_instance_dict) self.session.add(instance_dict[instance_dict_key]) # create metabolite-instance relation object new_meta_rel_dict = {"metabolite": metabolite_instance, column_name: instance_dict[instance_dict_key]} self.session.add(relation_table(**new_meta_rel_dict)) return instance_dict def _populate_with_2_layer_elements( self, element, metabolite_instance, instance_dict, table, relation_table, column, instance_dict_key=None, metabolite_column='metabolite', ): """Parse and populate database with metabolite elements, which themselves have two more layers. :param element: the current parent XML element. E.g. "pathways" where the children would have the tag "pathway". :param models.Metabolite metabolite_instance: metabolite object which is associated with the instances (e.g. is involved in that "pathway") :param dict instance_dict: dictionary which tracks if the found instance is already present in the table and can then refer to it :param type table: sqlalchemy class to which the instances belong. E.g. "Pathways" :param type relation_table: sqlalchemy class which stores the many to many relation between the instances and the metabolites :param str column: column name of the relation table which is not the metabolite :param str instance_dict_key: String which is used as the key for the instance_dict. (to ensure uniqueness in the instance_dict) :param str metabolite_column: column of the relation table which represents the foreignkey to the main table. In our database model the Metabolite table. :rtype: dict """ if instance_dict_key is None and len(element) > 0: instance_dict_key = self._get_tag(element[0][0].tag) for instance_element in element: # build pathway object dict to create pathway object instance_object_dict = {} # create pathway instance for instance_sub_element in instance_element: cutted_pathway_tag = self._get_tag(instance_sub_element.tag) instance_object_dict[cutted_pathway_tag] = instance_sub_element.text # add MetabolitePathway relation and continue with next pathway if pathway already present in Pathways if instance_object_dict[instance_dict_key] in instance_dict: new_meta_rel_dict = { metabolite_column: metabolite_instance, column: instance_dict[instance_object_dict[instance_dict_key]] } new_meta_rel = relation_table(**new_meta_rel_dict) self.session.add(new_meta_rel) continue instance_dict[instance_object_dict[instance_dict_key]] = table(**instance_object_dict) self.session.add(instance_dict[instance_object_dict[instance_dict_key]]) new_meta_rel_dict = { metabolite_column: metabolite_instance, column: instance_dict[instance_object_dict[instance_dict_key]] } new_meta_rel = relation_table(**new_meta_rel_dict) self.session.add(new_meta_rel) return instance_dict def _populate_diseases( self, element, references_dict, diseases_dict, metabolite_instance, disease_ontologies=None, map_dis=True, ): """Populates the database with disease and related reference information. :param element: Element object from the xml ElementTree :param dict references_dict: Dictionary to keep track of which references are already in the database :param dict diseases_dict: Dictionary to keep track of which diseases are already in the database :param models.Metabolite metabolite_instance: Metabolite object to which the diseases and references are related :param boolean map_dis: If True the HMDB disease names will be mapped to different ontologies. :rtype: dict, dict """ for disease_element in element: disease_instance = Disease() for disease_sub_element in disease_element: dtag = self._get_tag(disease_sub_element.tag) if dtag != "references": setattr(disease_instance, dtag, disease_sub_element.text) continue if not in diseases_dict: # add disease instance if not already in table # map to different disease ontologies if map is True if map_dis: disease_lower = # for case insensitivity for ontology in disease_ontologies: if disease_lower not in disease_ontologies[ontology]: continue v = disease_ontologies[ontology][disease_lower] if ontology == DOID: setattr(disease_instance, 'dion', v) elif ontology == HP: setattr(disease_instance, 'hpo', v) elif ontology == MESHD: setattr(disease_instance, 'mesh_diseases', v) diseases_dict[] = disease_instance self.session.add(disease_instance) for reference_element in disease_sub_element: new_reference_object_dict = {} # dict to check if reference is already presend in table for reference_sub_element in reference_element: # construct new reference object reference_tag = self._get_tag(reference_sub_element.tag) new_reference_object_dict[reference_tag] = reference_sub_element.text # add if not already in reference table if new_reference_object_dict['reference_text'] not in references_dict: references_dict[new_reference_object_dict['reference_text']] = Reference( **new_reference_object_dict) self.session.add(references_dict[new_reference_object_dict['reference_text']]) rel_meta_dis_ref = MetaboliteDiseaseReference( metabolite=metabolite_instance, disease=diseases_dict[], reference=references_dict[new_reference_object_dict['reference_text']] ) self.session.add(rel_meta_dis_ref) return references_dict, diseases_dict @staticmethod def _disease_ontology_dict(ontology: str) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Create a dictionary from the disease ontologies used for mapping HMDB disease names to those ontologies.""" doid_path = ONTOLOGY_NAMESPACES[ontology] doid_ns = get_bel_resource(doid_path) return {value.lower(): value for value in doid_ns['Values']}
[docs] def populate(self, source: Optional[str] = None, map_dis: bool = True, group_size: int = 500_000): """Populate the database with the HMDB data. :param source: Path to an .xml file. If None the whole HMDB will be downloaded and used for population. :param map_dis: Should diseases be mapped? """ # construct sets for disease ontologies for mapping hmdb diseases if not map_dis: disease_ontologies = None else: disease_ontologies = { ontology: self._disease_ontology_dict(ontology) for ontology in ONTOLOGIES } # construct xml tree tree = get_data(source) root = tree.getroot() # dicts to check unique constraints for specific tables biofluids_dict = {} tissues_dict = {} pathways_dict = {} proteins_dict = {} references_dict = {} diseases_dict = {} # biofunctions_dict = {} cellular_locations_dict = {} # iterate through xml tree for i, elements in enumerate(tqdm(root, desc='HMDB Metabolite')): # create metabolite dict used to feed in main metabolite table metabolite = Metabolite() for element in elements: # delete namespace prefix tag = self._get_tag(element.tag) # handle wikipedia typo in xml tags if tag == "wikipidia": log.warning("HMDB fixed the 'wikipidia' tag to 'wikipedia'. Change code.") tag = "wikipedia" if tag == "secondary_accessions": self.session.add_all([ SecondaryAccession( metabolite=metabolite, secondary_accession=secondary_accession_element.text ) for secondary_accession_element in element ]) elif tag == "synonyms": synonyms = { synonym_element.text for synonym_element in element } self.session.add_all([ MetaboliteSynonym( metabolite=metabolite, synonym=synonym, ) for synonym in synonyms ]) elif tag == "taxonomy": # will be delayed to later versions since not important for BEL continue elif tag == "ontology": continue elif tag == "cellular_locations": cellular_locations_dict = self._populate_with_1_layer_elements( element, metabolite, cellular_locations_dict, CellularLocation, MetaboliteCellularLocation, "cellular_location" ) elif tag == "experimental_properties": # will be delayed to later versions since not important for BEL continue elif tag == "predicted_properties": # will be delayed to later versions since not important for BEL continue elif tag == "spectra": # will not be processed since the corresponding database is down continue elif tag == "biospecimen_locations": biofluids_dict = self._populate_with_1_layer_elements( element, metabolite, biofluids_dict, Biofluid, MetaboliteBiofluid, 'biofluid', ) elif tag == "tissue_locations": tissues_dict = self._populate_with_1_layer_elements( element, metabolite, tissues_dict, Tissue, MetaboliteTissue, 'tissue', ) elif tag == "pathways": pathways_dict = self._populate_with_2_layer_elements( element, metabolite, pathways_dict, Pathway, MetabolitePathway, 'pathway', ) elif tag == "normal_concentrations": # will be delayed to later versions since not important for BEL continue elif tag == "abnormal_concentrations": # will be delayed to later versions since not important for BEL continue elif tag == "diseases": references_dict, diseases_dict = self._populate_diseases( element, references_dict, diseases_dict, metabolite, disease_ontologies, map_dis=map_dis, ) elif tag == "general_references": references_dict = self._populate_with_2_layer_elements( element, metabolite, references_dict, Reference, MetaboliteReference, 'reference', "reference_text", ) elif tag == "protein_associations": proteins_dict = self._populate_with_2_layer_elements( element, metabolite, proteins_dict, Protein, MetaboliteProtein, 'protein', ) else: # feed in main metabolite table setattr(metabolite, tag, element.text) self.session.add(metabolite) if (i + 1) % group_size: log.warning('committing') self.session.commit() self.session.commit()
[docs] def get_metabolite_by_accession(self, hmdb_metabolite_accession: str) -> Optional[Metabolite]: """Query the constructed HMDB database and extract a metabolite object. :param hmdb_metabolite_accession: HMDB metabolite identifier Example: >>> import bio2bel_hmdb >>> manager = bio2bel_hmdb.Manager() >>> manager.get_metabolite_by_accession("HMDB00072") """ return self.session.query(Metabolite).filter(Metabolite.accession == hmdb_metabolite_accession).one_or_none()
[docs] def query_metabolite_associated_proteins(self, hmdb_metabolite_id: str) -> Optional[List[Protein]]: """Query the constructed HMDB database to get the metabolite associated protein relations for BEL enrichment :param hmdb_metabolite_id: HMDB metabolite identifier """ metabolite = self.get_metabolite_by_accession(hmdb_metabolite_id) if metabolite is not None: return metabolite.proteins
[docs] def query_metabolite_associated_diseases(self, hmdb_metabolite_id: str) -> List[Disease]: """Query the constructed HMDB database to get the metabolite associated disease relations for BEL enrichment :param hmdb_metabolite_id: HMDB metabolite identifier """ metabolite = self.get_metabolite_by_accession(hmdb_metabolite_id) return metabolite.diseases
[docs] def query_disease_associated_metabolites(self, disease_name: str) -> List[Metabolite]: """Query function that returns a list of metabolite-disease interactions, which are associated to a disease. :param disease_name: HMDB disease name """ return self.session.query(Disease).filter( == disease_name).one_or_none().metabolites
[docs] def query_protein_associated_metabolites(self, uniprot_id): """Query function that returns a list of metabolite-disease interactions, which are associated to a disease. :param str uniprot_id: uniprot identifier of a protein for which the associated metabolite relations should be outputted :rtype: list """ return self.session.query(Protein).filter(Protein.uniprot_id == uniprot_id).one_or_none().metabolites
[docs] def get_hmdb_accession(self): """Create a list of all HMDB metabolite identifiers present in the database. :rtype: list """ accessions = self.session.query(Metabolite.accession).all() if not accessions: log.warning("Database not populated. Please populate database before calling this function") return [a[0] for a in accessions] # if anybody knows a better way of querying for a flat list. Please change.
[docs] def get_hmdb_diseases(self): """Create a list of all disease names present in the database. :rtype: list """ accessions = self.session.query( if not accessions: log.warning("Database not populated. Please populate database before calling this function") return [a for a, in accessions]
def _get_models(self, interaction_table): """Extracts all interactions from the many to many interaction table. :param type interaction_table: Relation table from the database model. (e.g. MetaboliteProteins) :rtype: query """ return self.session.query(interaction_table).all() def get_metabolite_disease_interactions(self) -> List[MetaboliteDiseaseReference]: return self._get_models(MetaboliteDiseaseReference) def get_metabolite_protein_interactions(self) -> List[MetaboliteProtein]: return self._get_models(MetaboliteProtein)
[docs] def count_diseases(self) -> int: """Count the number of diseases in the database.""" return self.session.query(Disease).count()
[docs] def count_cellular_locations(self): """Count the number of cellular locations in the database.""" return self.session.query(CellularLocation).count()
[docs] def count_references(self): """Count the number of literature references in the database.""" return self.session.query(Reference).count()
[docs] def get_reference_by_pubmed_id(self, pubmed_id: str) -> Optional[Reference]: """Get a reference by its PubMed identifier if it exists. :param pubmed_id: The PubMed identifier to search """ return self.session.query(Reference).filter(Reference.pubmed_id == pubmed_id).one_or_none()
[docs] def count_proteins(self) -> int: """Count the number of proteins in the database.""" return self.session.query(Protein).count()
[docs] def count_biofunctions(self) -> int: """Count the number of biofunctions in the database.""" return self.session.query(Biofunction).count()
[docs] def count_metabolites(self) -> int: """Count the number of metabolites in the database.""" return self._count_model(Metabolite)
[docs] def count_pathways(self) -> int: """Count the number of pathways in the database.""" return self._count_model(Pathway)
[docs] def count_tissues(self) -> int: """Count the number of tissues in the database.""" return self._count_model(Tissue)
[docs] def summarize(self) -> Mapping[str, int]: """Summarize the contents of the database in a dictionary.""" return dict( proteins=self.count_proteins(), diseases=self.count_diseases(), biofunctions=self.count_biofunctions(), references=self.count_references(), cellular_locations=self.count_cellular_locations(), metabolites=self.count_metabolites(), tissues=self.count_tissues(), )