Source code for bio2bel_kegg.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Manager for Bio2BEL KEGG."""

import json
import logging
import os
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional

import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

import bio2bel_hgnc
from bio2bel.manager.bel_manager import BELManagerMixin
from bio2bel.manager.flask_manager import FlaskMixin
from bio2bel.manager.namespace_manager import BELNamespaceManagerMixin
from compath_utils import CompathManager
from pybel.manager.models import Namespace, NamespaceEntry
from pybel.struct.graph import BELGraph
from .models import Base, Pathway, Protein, protein_pathway
from .parsers import (
    get_entity_pathway_df, get_pathway_names_df, parse_entity_pathway, parse_pathways, process_protein_info_to_model,

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Manager(CompathManager, BELNamespaceManagerMixin, BELManagerMixin, FlaskMixin): """Protein-pathway memberships.""" module_name = MODULE_NAME _base = Base flask_admin_models = [Pathway, Protein] namespace_model = pathway_model = Pathway edge_model = protein_pathway protein_model = Protein pathway_model_identifier_column = Pathway.kegg_id
[docs] def get_or_create_pathway(self, kegg_id: str, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Pathway: """Get an pathway from the database or creates it. :param kegg_id: A KEGG pathway identifier :param name: name of the pathway """ pathway = self.get_pathway_by_id(kegg_id) if pathway is None: pathway = Pathway( kegg_id=kegg_id, name=name, ) self.session.add(pathway) return pathway
[docs] def get_protein_by_kegg_id(self, kegg_id: str) -> Optional[Protein]: """Get a protein by its kegg id. :param kegg_id: A KEGG identifier """ return self.session.query(Protein).filter(Protein.kegg_id == kegg_id).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_protein_by_hgnc_id(self, hgnc_id: str) -> Optional[Protein]: """Get a protein by its hgnc_id. :param hgnc_id: hgnc_id """ return self.session.query(Protein).filter(Protein.hgnc_id == hgnc_id).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_protein_by_hgnc_symbol(self, hgnc_symbol: str) -> Optional[Protein]: """Get a protein by its hgnc symbol. :param hgnc_id: hgnc identifier """ return self.session.query(Protein).filter(Protein.hgnc_symbol == hgnc_symbol).one_or_none()
"""Methods to populate the DB""" @staticmethod def _get_identifier(model): return model.kegg_id def _create_namespace_entry_from_model(self, pathway: Pathway, namespace: Namespace) -> NamespaceEntry: """Create a namespace entry from a KEGG pathway model.""" return NamespaceEntry(, identifier=pathway.kegg_id, namespace=namespace, encoding='B', ) def _populate_pathways(self, url: Optional[str] = None): """Populate pathways. :param url: url from pathway table file """ df = get_pathway_names_df(url=url) pathways_dict = parse_pathways(df) for kegg_id, name in tqdm(pathways_dict.items(), desc='Loading pathways'): self.get_or_create_pathway(kegg_id=kegg_id, name=name) self.session.commit() def _pathway_entity(self, url=None, metadata_existing=None, thead_pool_size=1): """Populate proteins. :param Optional[str] url: url from protein to pathway file :param Optional[bool] metadata_existing: metadata exists already """ protein_df = get_entity_pathway_df(url=url) log.debug('creating description URLs') protein_description_entities = { entity for line, (entity, pathway) in protein_df.iterrows() } if not metadata_existing: # KEGG protein ID to Protein model attributes dictionary pid_attributes = {}'Fetching all protein meta-information (needs around 7300 iterations).' 'You can modify the numbers of request by modifying ThreadPool to make this faster. ' 'However, the KEGG RESTful API might reject a big amount of requests.') # Multi-thread processing of protein description requests results = ThreadPool(thead_pool_size).imap_unordered(self._process_kegg_api_get_entity, protein_description_entities) pid_attributes = dict(tqdm(results, desc='Fetching meta information')) self._postprocess_pid(pid_attributes) with open(METADATA_FILE_PATH, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(pid_attributes, outfile) else:'Loading existing metadata file') pid_attributes = json.load(open(METADATA_FILE_PATH))'Done fetching') pid_protein = {} for kegg_protein_id, kegg_pathway_id in tqdm(parse_entity_pathway(protein_df), desc='Loading proteins'): if kegg_protein_id in pid_protein: protein = pid_protein[kegg_protein_id] else: try: protein = Protein(**pid_attributes[kegg_protein_id]) except KeyError: log.error('Protein key not found. This might be due to an old cached metadata file. ' 'Please delete the file {} and try again.'.format(METADATA_FILE_PATH)) raise pid_protein[kegg_protein_id] = protein self.session.add(protein) pathway = self.get_pathway_by_id(kegg_pathway_id) protein.pathways.append(pathway) self.session.commit() @staticmethod def _process_kegg_api_get_entity(entity): """Send a given entity to the KEGG API and process the results. :param str entity: A KEGG identifier :return: A 2-tuple of the input value and the JSON retrieved from the API :rtype: tuple[str,dict] """ _protein_path = os.path.join(PROTEIN_ENTRY_DIR, '{}.json'.format(entity)) if os.path.exists(_protein_path): with open(_protein_path) as f: return entity, json.load(f) url = API_KEGG_GET.format(entity) result = requests.get(url) protein_dict = process_protein_info_to_model(result) protein_dict['kegg_id'] = entity with open(_protein_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(protein_dict, f) return entity, protein_dict def _postprocess_pid(self, pid_attributes): """Enrich the dictionary of KEGG API results with HGNC information.""" hgnc_manager = bio2bel_hgnc.Manager(engine=self.engine, session=self.session) if not hgnc_manager.is_populated(): hgnc_manager.populate() hgnc_id_to_symbol = hgnc_manager.build_hgnc_id_symbol_mapping() for kegg_protein_id in pid_attributes: hgnc_id = pid_attributes[kegg_protein_id].get('hgnc_id') if hgnc_id is not None: pid_attributes[kegg_protein_id]['hgnc_symbol'] = hgnc_id_to_symbol.get(hgnc_id)
[docs] def populate(self, pathways_url=None, protein_pathway_url=None, metadata_existing=False): """Populate all tables.""" self._populate_pathways(url=pathways_url) self._pathway_entity(url=protein_pathway_url, metadata_existing=metadata_existing)
[docs] def count_pathways(self) -> int: """Count the pathways in the database.""" return self._count_model(Pathway)
[docs] def list_pathways(self) -> List[Pathway]: """List the pathways in the database.""" return self._list_model(Pathway)
[docs] def count_proteins(self) -> int: """Count the pathways in the database.""" return self._count_model(Protein)
[docs] def summarize(self) -> Mapping[str, int]: """Summarize the database.""" return dict( pathways=self.count_pathways(), proteins=self.count_proteins(), )
[docs] def to_bel(self) -> BELGraph: """Serialize KEGG to BEL.""" graph = BELGraph( name='KEGG Pathway Definitions', version='1.0.0', ) for pathway in self.list_pathways(): self._add_pathway_to_graph(graph, pathway) return graph
@staticmethod def _add_pathway_to_graph(graph, pathway): pathway_node = pathway.serialize_to_pathway_node() for protein in pathway.proteins: graph.add_part_of(protein.to_pybel(), pathway_node)
[docs] def get_pathway_graph(self, kegg_id: str) -> Optional[BELGraph]: """Return a new graph corresponding to the pathway. :param kegg_id: A KEGG pathway identifier (prefixed by "path:") """ pathway = self.get_pathway_by_id(kegg_id) if pathway is None: return None graph = BELGraph( name='{} graph'.format(, ) self._add_pathway_to_graph(graph, pathway) return graph
[docs] def enrich_kegg_pathway(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Enrich all proteins belonging to KEGG pathway nodes in the graph.""" for node in list(graph): if node[FUNCTION] == BIOPROCESS and node[NAMESPACE] == KEGG and NAME in node: pathway = self.get_pathway_by_name(node[NAME]) for protein in pathway.proteins: graph.add_part_of(protein.to_pybel(), node)
[docs] def enrich_kegg_protein(self, graph: BELGraph) -> None: """Enrich all KEGG pathways associated with proteins in the graph.""" for node in list(graph): if node[FUNCTION] == PROTEIN and node[NAMESPACE].lower() == 'hgnc': protein = self.get_protein_by_hgnc_symbol(node[NAME]) if protein is None: continue for pathway in protein.pathways: graph.add_part_of(node, pathway.serialize_to_pathway_node())
def _add_admin(self, app, **kwargs): """Add admin methods.""" from flask_admin import Admin from flask_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView class PathwayView(ModelView): """Pathway view in Flask-admin.""" column_searchable_list = ( Pathway.kegg_id, ) class ProteinView(ModelView): """Protein view in Flask-admin.""" column_searchable_list = ( Protein.kegg_id, Protein.uniprot_id, Protein.hgnc_id ) admin = Admin(app, **kwargs) admin.add_view(PathwayView(Pathway, self.session)) admin.add_view(ProteinView(Protein, self.session)) return admin