Source code for bio2bel_kegg.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""KEGG database models."""

from typing import List, Optional, Set

from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Table
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

import pybel.dsl
from .constants import HGNC, KEGG

Base = declarative_base()


protein_pathway = Table(
    Column('protein_id', Integer, ForeignKey(f'{PROTEIN_TABLE_NAME}.id'), primary_key=True),
    Column('pathway_id', Integer, ForeignKey(f'{PATHWAY_TABLE_NAME}.id'), primary_key=True)

[docs]class Pathway(Base): # type: ignore """Pathway Table.""" __tablename__ = PATHWAY_TABLE_NAME id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) kegg_id = Column(String(255), unique=True, nullable=False, index=True, doc='KEGG id of the pathway') name = Column(String(255), doc='pathway name') proteins = relationship( 'Protein', secondary=protein_pathway, backref='pathways' ) bel_encoding = 'B' def __repr__(self): """Return name.""" return f'Pathway(kegg_id={self.kegg_id}, name="{}")' def __str__(self): """Return name.""" return str(
[docs] def serialize_to_pathway_node(self) -> pybel.dsl.BiologicalProcess: """Serialize to PyBEL node data dictionary.""" return pybel.dsl.BiologicalProcess( namespace=KEGG, name=str(, identifier=str(self.kegg_id) )
[docs] def get_gene_set(self) -> Set['Protein']: """Return the genes associated with the pathway (gene set). Note this function restricts to HGNC symbols genes. """ return { protein.hgnc_symbol for protein in self.proteins if protein.hgnc_symbol }
@property def resource_id(self) -> str: """Return kegg identifier.""" return self.kegg_id @property def url(self) -> str: """Return url pointing to kegg pathway.""" return '{}'.format(self.kegg_id.strip('path:hsa'))
[docs]class Protein(Base): # type: ignore """Genes Table.""" __tablename__ = PROTEIN_TABLE_NAME id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) kegg_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False, index=True, doc='KEGG id of the protein') uniprot_id = Column(String(255), doc='uniprot id of the protein (there could be more than one)') hgnc_id = Column(String(255), doc='hgnc id of the protein') hgnc_symbol = Column(String(255), doc='hgnc symbol of the protein') def __repr__(self): """Return HGNC symbol.""" return f'Protein(kegg_id={self.kegg_id}, ' \ f'uniprot_id={self.uniprot_id}, hgnc_id={self.hgnc_id}, hgnc_symbol={self.hgnc_symbol})' def __str__(self): """Return HGNC symbol.""" return str(self.hgnc_symbol)
[docs] def to_pybel(self) -> pybel.dsl.Protein: """Serialize to PyBEL node data dictionary.""" return pybel.dsl.Protein( namespace=HGNC, name=self.hgnc_symbol, identifier=str(self.hgnc_id) )
[docs] def get_uniprot_ids(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Return a list of uniprot ids.""" if not self.uniprot_id: return None return self.uniprot_id.split(" ")
[docs] def get_pathways_ids(self) -> Set[str]: """Return the pathways associated with the protein.""" return { pathway.kegg_id for pathway in self.pathways }